Kamis, 12 Mei 2016

B. INGGRIS BISNIS 2, TUGAS KE-4 : Smoking Banned, Married Young or Old, University Education vs Not to be success man

Nama : Ida Nurhaida
NPM : 13212550
Kelas : 4EA03
Matakuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2
Task : Ke-4

Smoking Banned

Medical studies have shown that smoking not only leads to health problems for the smoker, but also for people close  by. As a result of this, many believe that smoking should not be allowed in public places. although there are arguments on both sides, I strongly agree that a ban is the most appropriate course of action.

Opponents of such a ban argue against it for several reasons. Firstly, they say that passive smokers make the choice to breathe in other people's smoke by going to places where it is allowed. If they would prefer not to smoke passively, then they do not need to visit places where smoking is permitted. In addition, they believe  a ban would possibly drive many bars and pubs out of business as smokers would not go  there anymore. They also argue it is a matter of freedom of choice. Smoking is not against the law, so individuals should have the freedom to smoke where they wish.

However, there are more convincing arguments in favor of a ban. First and foremost, it has been proven that tobacco consists of carcinogenic compounds which cause serious harm to a person's health, not only the smoker. Anyone around them can develop cancers of the lungs, mouth and throat, and other sites in the body. It is simply not fair to impose this upon another person. It is also the case that people's health is more important than businesses. In any case, pubs and restaurants could adapt to a ban by, for example, allowing smoking areas. 

Married Young or Old

Our modern tradition about getting married young, and the idea that it's wise to delay one's nuptials, didn't just appear out of the ether. We know that couples who get married before age 25 are twice as likely to get divorced. There are several factors as the root of this state. For starters, some folks who get married before age 25 may be doing so with forethought and intention. Keep in mind that "bafore age 25" encompasses not just people in their early 20s, but everyone on down to teenagers, who may be getting married impulsively or because an unexpected baby came along. In fact, once you hit age 25, divorce rates go down by almost 50%.

Economics is another big factor. Younger people who are just starting out in life are often battling financial problems that can put a lot of stress on a marriage. Finally, a young couple may have children soon after getting married, and babies are acute stressors as well as money leeches. 
In short, it is true that those who marry young have a higher chance of divorce, and it's likely due to the pressures of immaturity, strained finances, and the responsibilities of child-rearing.

Conclution :
Are we Saying Everyone Should Get Married Young or Old?

Marrying age is one of those topics that gets people all riled up and wanting to spew profanities. For whatever reason, discussing lifestyle choices tends to breed defensiveness -  perhaps because choice itself has become our modern morality.

So let me be clear before we part ways: while marrying young can impart all the benefits, I'm not arguing that getting married younger is always better than getting married when we are older. Nor am I saying that if we are young and single, we need to rush out and put a ring on the finger of some gal.

University Education vs Not to be success man

Education is not the key to success, but it is one of the keys to success. We seem to forget that God created every human being with the talent. If we talent fades in any way then education could support us. Where we live there are so many children who are talented, but due to that idea of education being the key success ended up not focusing on their God has given talent but on education. So let's grab all of it but mostly the talent must be number 1.

People Education is not Success, Education is not Dollar nor pound but education can help get us to success Education itself is not a success. How many people have unbelievably good Grades yet Jobless sitting at home with their 'Good Grades'. There are many other ways of achieving success abilities, sports, and talent. I mean who ever thought that Stave Job through Apple would've achieved such tremendous Success. Through Education is a major shot at success.

Education isn't meant by the academic stuffs which we get after achieving a degree, it is really meant by only the knowledge which we get except academic and this part is the most important in order to succeed in life. This success is not possible without education.

Rabu, 11 Mei 2016

B. INGGRIS BISNIS 2, TUGAS ke-3 : To be a successful a student must have certain characteristic

Nama : Ida Nurhaida
NPM : 13212550
Kelas : 4EA03
Matakuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2
Task : ke-3

To be a Successful we must have certain characteristic

The successful people characteristic is being a able to communicate, some great people are great orators, but speaking well isn't all that's required of a great people/success people. As we all know, there are lots of people who talk a great game but deliver nothing. Success people who communicate well are those who not only share their thoughts with employees/follower in organization, but also let their strength and personal character show through in their communication, and empower those who work for them by defining the company's/Organization goal and showing how to get there.

A Second characteristic of great people/success people perhaps, group of characteristic is having courage, tenacity, and patience. Having the courage to stand alone, the tenacity to not succumb to pressure, and the patience to keep fighting until we win the day and sometimes being able to do all three at the same time is something we will have to develop if we want to be a true and successful person.

The Third necessary characteristic is the combination of humility and presence. Acting aloof, or above our employees/followers, does not make a successful people. Success people have to be able to talk and listen to the employees/follower on all levels of the company/organization. At the same time, we must have the respect of the employees/follower, the kind of respect that's earned by being honest, having integrity, and being tough but fair. Then, when somebody talk about success, first things to do is diligence, doing some stuffs which are our responsibility in term of homework/tasks. Then, Successful people do not forget about their quality, he has to show that he has a quality while showing his grade in term of his academic. This point doesn't have to fulfill always, but this is one of the succeed in the next future.

The Fourth and final characteristic of a successful leader/people is being responsible is one the one which is not to be kept. We cannot hide from the truth that among great/success people is responsible what he did and finish it.

Kamis, 14 April 2016


Nama : Ida Nurhaida
NPM :  13212550
Kelas :  4EA03
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2




Rarely is anyone ever prepared for the end of a marriage or a long term defacto relationship. This is almost as true for the partner that initiates separation, as it is for the partner being left. Separation and divorce create a challenging time for families and are a major step for everyone involved. It is a time when we need support, guidance and information on the legalities involved within the separation and divorce process, it is just because lying. 

The breakdown of our relationship launches us into previously unknown territory. The ending of a marriage and the impending divorce cause one of us is lying to our spouse. As separation and divorce is an experience that causes major emotional and financial even lying upheaval this can often make it difficult to think clearly and rationally due to the overwhelming impact of this major life event. We cannot hide from the truth these things would determine the marriage. 

When we are lying to someone once, it is like an addictive for those people who do that. Other hand, somebody might comment about particular situation that is a good to be liar because they really want to keep their relationship. Yet, this kind of people are trying to hurt somebody heart smoothly. Thus, I believe being liar is going to sacrifice to our spouse but also family, friend and everything even people will judge as liar forever. 


Minggu, 06 Maret 2016


Nama : Ida Nurhaida
NPM : 13212550
Kelas : 4EA03
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2


The Journey Of  Hiking

Hiking refers to the activity of going for long walks in the country for pleasure, knowledge and exercises. Almost every single year, I went hiking with my relatives and friend. It was full of pleasure and knowledge. It provided us heavy physical as well as mental exercises. It was really great of my journey.

When I get into the track, I feel the world is literally in my hands. I could see the beautifull view and I could not be saying so. I also enjoy with another people who literally do not know each other but we could blend with them, just because we are in the same circumstances. Hiking also has given me some lessons which actually we need to be more adaptable with unpredictable situation. Next, it is so challenging and satisfield when get on the Top. I can enjoy the sunrise or even sunset there.

Somehow, hiking need to have well preparing to be able to solve another unpredictable moment, because we could not see and predict the weather very well. Thuse, we have to have another P3K and some additional logistic. I was so exhausted when I did not have well preparation before, the water is already empty but I was still thristy. However, I was lucky that my friend still having the water. That's why I have to have well preparation and I hate to have it again. Thus, another unpredictable moment such as hypothermia, force major even rainy that we have to be care more about those kind of circumstances to be able to enjoy with our journey.