Rabu, 11 Mei 2016

B. INGGRIS BISNIS 2, TUGAS ke-3 : To be a successful a student must have certain characteristic

Nama : Ida Nurhaida
NPM : 13212550
Kelas : 4EA03
Matakuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2
Task : ke-3

To be a Successful we must have certain characteristic

The successful people characteristic is being a able to communicate, some great people are great orators, but speaking well isn't all that's required of a great people/success people. As we all know, there are lots of people who talk a great game but deliver nothing. Success people who communicate well are those who not only share their thoughts with employees/follower in organization, but also let their strength and personal character show through in their communication, and empower those who work for them by defining the company's/Organization goal and showing how to get there.

A Second characteristic of great people/success people perhaps, group of characteristic is having courage, tenacity, and patience. Having the courage to stand alone, the tenacity to not succumb to pressure, and the patience to keep fighting until we win the day and sometimes being able to do all three at the same time is something we will have to develop if we want to be a true and successful person.

The Third necessary characteristic is the combination of humility and presence. Acting aloof, or above our employees/followers, does not make a successful people. Success people have to be able to talk and listen to the employees/follower on all levels of the company/organization. At the same time, we must have the respect of the employees/follower, the kind of respect that's earned by being honest, having integrity, and being tough but fair. Then, when somebody talk about success, first things to do is diligence, doing some stuffs which are our responsibility in term of homework/tasks. Then, Successful people do not forget about their quality, he has to show that he has a quality while showing his grade in term of his academic. This point doesn't have to fulfill always, but this is one of the succeed in the next future.

The Fourth and final characteristic of a successful leader/people is being responsible is one the one which is not to be kept. We cannot hide from the truth that among great/success people is responsible what he did and finish it.

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